
About iOS Course

Apple Inc. has released Swift programming language for iOS developers. Swift combines the greatest features of C and Objective-C while avoiding the limitations of C compatibility. Swift programs can run on many existing iOS 6 and OS X 10.8 platforms since it uses the same runtime as the existing Objective-C system on Mac OS and iOS.

Included In This Course
  • 100% Job
  • Rich Learning Content
  • Taught by Experienced Prof.
  • Industry Oriented Projects
Software To Learn
C Language
C Language
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  • Get a Job in Companies
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  • What are programming standards
  • Importance of programming standards
  • Benefits of using programming standards
  • Programming Standards in detail.
  • Good programming habits.
  • Unit Testing and its importance

  • Variables & Constants
  • Introduction to functions (methods)
  • Arrays, Dictionaries, Data, Date and other basic data types
  • Enums, structures, closures
  • For, If, switch statements
  • Object oriented concepts with SWIFT
  • Type check, AnyObject, Any
  • Protocols, Extensions, Error handling
  • Working with classes

  • Introduction to XCODE
  • COCOA touch framework
  • iOS application architecture
  • Application lifecycle

  • View Controllers, view, view lifecycle
  • Basic Controls – Label, Buttons, Text field, image View
  • Table view with default cells and customized cells
  • Collection view with default cells and customized cells
  • Picker view, Date picker, scroll view, navigation and Tab bar controller
  • Understanding Interface builder, XIB files
  • Creating outlets and Actions
  • Handling touch and gesture events
  • Segment and Page control, switch view, UIAlertView

  • Introduction to data storage methods in iOS
  • Using Core Data, SQLite database, User Defaults, Property List

  • What are web services
  • Why do we use web-services
  • How apps function with the help of web-services
  • Introduction to different web services
  • JSON parsing, XML parsing
  • Get and POST methods

  • Playing Audio and Video
  • Capturing images using camera
  • Getting images from gallery
  • Sending mail and SMS from app

  • Introduction to maps
  • Working with pin annotations

  • Using storyboard to design the app, using segues
  • Introduction to methods used for passing data from one to another view controller

  • Introduction to Auto-layout
  • Working with constraints
  • Using constraints to change view sizes
  • Programmatically control the views

  • Introduction to Multithreading
  • Multithreading in iOS app, using NSThread, NSOperation and NSOperation Queue, GCD

  • Introduction to Notification
  • NSNotification and NSNotificationCenter, UILocalNotifications, Push Notification services

  • Debugging

  • An overview to setup and use third party libraries

  • Introduction to BundleID, AppID, certificates
  • Making a build
  • Posting app to App Store
  • Using TestFlight